Following the interesting life of Nathan and two brand new parents learning as they go!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Show mommy your piggy face...
So the bean is getting bigger and bigger each day. I know the doctor technically says not to start rice cereal until 4 months. Well, we started a little early. This was in attempt to get him to sleep longer increments at night. Well, of course teaching a baby how to eat form a spoon is a process. He is a little messy, but loves it. What a fatty. He sucks it down every time me feed it to him. These pictures are from the first attempt. Well feeding him more did work for awhile and he would sleep for 5 hours and wake up. Now he must be going through a growth spurt because he wakes up after 3-4 hours to eat. No wonder his cheek are getting chubbier by the day!
The story behind the other pictures is funny. After the sick doctor visit Nate was worn out. I brought him home and he just wanted to snuggle and sleep. the poor thing slept on me for hours. When Chris got home it was well past time for him to eat. So I woke him up and sat him up leaning against my legs. He stayed sitting for a few minutes then pulled himself forward. He kept leaning and leaning until he had folded himself in half. I was trying to get Chris' attention to she him what Nate had done. The next thing we know the baby is asleep again folded in half. Yes that is his foot in his face.
Nate's Four month...yes 4...checkup is next week so I will post all his new info then.
Hooray for us to update-too funny that we picked the same background!
Do you think that Jacob looks like Pete?
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