Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, December 22, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Busy Christmas Season!

Mommy please stop taking pictures of me!
How sweet...they are on the pull out together while I was getting ready for bed.
Yea his eyes are open...this Santa Rocks!
So I know it has been awhile since I have posted, but we have been busy. Nate has experienced many firsts lately. We picked out our first Christmas tree. Chris thought I was being silly when I said I wanted to take the camera for tree shopping. I had to have pictures of his first tree experience. The experience didn't last long though. It was the day after Thanksgiving and it was slightly overcast so it was a quick trip. We walked on to the tree lot and amazingly Chris and I picked the same tree immediately! We paid and the event was over. Not to exciting! Nate is still my favorite shopping partner! We went with Nate's Nana and cousin Cole to the Pink Pig! I was so excited to go. When we got there we waited in line for tickets to ride and found out that Nate could not ride unless I had a sling for him....oh well, there is always next year. Cole and Nana got to ride and they had fun. I don't know if it is the fact that I was a kid and everything was so unbelievably cool to me, but the ride and whole experience now is not nearly as cool as when I was a kid. My mother-in-law said that the ride had pictures and explanation of the history of the Pink Pig. What 2-3 year old kid wants to see that?! When I went we got to see a magical winter wonderland. I guess times have changed and there must be a much smaller budget for it now. Nate has also experienced his first pictures with Santa. And guess how he reacted.....he slept through it all. Oh well there is always next year to catch a smile or what most kids do and cry! Nate has also experienced the joys of professional pictures...twice. My goodness that is stressful and cause you to sweat! Nate did great, I could not have asked for more. The first time we did pictures he slept through it. The second time the place was running behind and it got to be his time to eat. He did great for awhile and then couldn't wait any longer, he needed to eat and the crying began. By that time we were all done with pictures! Another lovely first for Nate was trying out the pull-out-couch with daddy. Chris has had some sinus thing and has caused him to seriously snore. Being the nice hubby he is, he slept in the living room for about a week so that Nate and I could rest without all the disturbance. Nate has also given up sleeping in the bassinet in our room. The big boy is in his crib in his own room. I think this might have been harder for me than him. He is just getting so big!

Monday, December 1, 2008


Just chillin' watching the dawgs!
So today I went Christmas shopping...and finished! Leslie and planed the day around the kids and when their melt downs tend to occur. The plan...start early! We headed out around 9 am and did some serious shopping at Target. Then it was off to an early lunch. We then headed to Kohls. This is where I learned that a stroller can double as a shopping cart. My poor child had items tucked in the seat around him. But he behaved and only let out a little whimper while we were waiting to checkout. Leslie is convinced that he doesn't cry. I beg to differ. He is just a great shopping buddy! Well, at our next stop Leslie's girls started with their melt downs, so it was off to the house for her. Nate was asleep and had a clean diaper and full belly. So I continued on. Three quick stops later and I was finished. When I got home Chris asked why I needed to take his car for the day. Then I began to unload and he realized the amount of shopping that was done! I looked like Santa when I walked in. Now I just have to wrap it all. That is my favorite part! So you are probably wondering why we have the dog dressed up. Well the costume was champ's when he was a pup. he lets me put it on him, but he is afraid of the camera. I know what a crazy dog to be scared of the camera, but he will chase the lawn mower. So I put the outfit on tank and he was to cute. Tanki-calus is coming to town!