Following the interesting life of Nathan and two brand new parents learning as they go!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
A day with all the ladies
My day started great. Nate was up for a little while last night so I put him in the bed with Chris and I and snuggled him and he went right back to sleep. This is on the top of the list in all the baby books of what NOT to do, but I couldn't help it. Nate still woke up early and needed to eat, but we still slept well for a little while. After he ate, my wonderful husband took him in to the living room and let me rest for a bit longer. What a great guy. So today Nate met his two great Grandmothers. We went to a baby shower for Chris's cousin and all the family was there. Which made for a great time for Nate to meet more family. Once we walked in the door and he was out of his car seat the fight was on...who got to hold him next! He is already a ladies man, they could not get enough! We had a great time and Nate was an angel. I determined the only mishap from the trip once I got home. Nate's Nana had changed his diaper while we were at the party. Katie and I were picking on her while she did it saying that if she didn't move faster he could pee on her. Well there was no pee on Nana, but when we got home and I got him out of his seat, I noticed that he had peed out of his diaper and his clothes were wet. I laughed to my self and called Chris's mom and gave her a hard time. I was just kidding with her, but she said that Katie and I had her stressed about him not peeing on her that she didn't do her best. Better luck next time Nana! It was a nice laugh when I got home! The other thing Nate brought home from the party was...a mix of old lady perfume! With all the great Grandmothers and different women snuggling with him, all the different perfumes rubbed off on him and he smells like a women now! He surely could smell worse! These are just a few random pictures that we have taken lately. I have been torturing the poor child to get good pictures for his announcements. So here are a few that have been taken along the way. The last two pictures are of my neighbors kids and Nate. Caroline and Drew are in the first one. When Caroline saw him for the first time she said she was so happy he was here that she could cry. What a riot hearing that from a four year old! The last is of Melanie giving her baby Nate a kiss. She says all the time that she just loves him! What great kids and their parents as friends!
Girl! That is just one of the many things you will do that you are not supposed to. The list will grow, but that does not mean we are bad parents. We just pick our battles.
1 comment:
Girl! That is just one of the many things you will do that you are not supposed to. The list will grow, but that does not mean we are bad parents. We just pick our battles.
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