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Monday, April 20, 2009

The new addition

Tank. Looking very mean, but he is a sweet pup!
She looks dead!
Lily and Champ catching afternoon rays!
No we didn't get a new dog, that would be crazy! We have been wanting a deck for the back yard for awhile now. Well, we had the funds and help on hand to get it done. Thanks to Mike, Sandra, Jeff, Katie, and Clint. For all you help with construction and watching Nate. Chris and I are greatful! The deck turned out great and will be awesome to have for this summer. Bar-b-ques at our house! Chris and I are not the only ones loving it. The dogs do too. Check out the sunbathing pups! I know some of the pictures are a little blurry, I was taking them through the glass door, that is dog slobber distorting the picture. I had to sneak up and take pictures, Champ is afraid of the camera. Yes, he hates the camera, but will attack the lawn mower. crazy dog!

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