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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bubblegum Medicine

After his well baby check up.
This shirt cracks me up, and his paci says I'm New
So Nate has had the sniffles lately. Just like everyone else in the house. Well, it has progressed to a congested cough and not sleeping at night. He wakes up because he is either coughing or can't breath through his nose. So after a few nights of no sleep for all of us, off to the doctor we went. No ear infection! The doctor said we are lucky since he has had the congestion for about a week. It is all draining in his throat know. The doctor knew he didn't feel good, he never smiled at her. So we left with a go ahead to use a little Motrin at night and amoxicillin. That's the bubblegum medicine! Hopefully he will be back to his old self in a few days!!

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