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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

6 month check up

So Nate went for his six month check up at the doctor today. Of course he was all smiles. He loves all the attention the nurses give him. He showed off for the doctor. She asked me if he was sitting unsupported yet. Well he can for about 3 seconds and then falls slowly forward. Well she was trying tho get him to sit, but he would not cooperate, he kept digging his heels into the exam table and trying to stand with her balancing him. She just laughed and suggested that if he is that determined now to stand that he very well might have a short or even skip the crawling phase and go straight to pulling up on things. He was a total wiggle worm and when she was checking his boy parts he grabbed the diaper out from underneath himself and swung it around to play with it. The doctor just laughed and re-diapered him as best she could. He talked to her during the entire exam and showed off how he can say "dada". Chris loves this and likes to say that Nate likes him more than me, because he says dada. Anyways! Nate got a clean bill of health. He still is a skinny man. 16 pounds 3 ounces, 25th percentile. And tall, 28 inches 95th percentile. His noggin is right were it should be in the 50th percentile. He has maintained the same curves on the growth charts, so the doctor is not concerned about his weight being on the low end of the chart. He got two shots and the liquid rotavirus vaccine.

1 comment:

Leslie Gilbreath said...

Yeah, yeah, these kids and "dada"