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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Holy crap it is 5:15 am!

So Nate really threw me off the other day. I woke up to my alarm going off at 5:15 AM so I could get to work. Nothing unusual. Well I hit snooze and laid there for a minute and then Chris says...did you get up with the baby last night? No, I didn't, did you? No. Holy crap its 5:15 and he never woke up. I immediately ran and checked on him. He was still sleeping!!! That's right folks...he slept through the night. I totally forgot how refreshing 8 hours of straight sleep is. This all happened about a week ago and hes has occasionally done it since then. I hope this continues! Enjoy the pictures from last weekend at an early Easter celebration at Chris' parents house with some family and friends!

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