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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Yeah for POOP!!!

The changing table...his favorite place!
The title of this post says it all! The new formula and juice has done the trick. Nate started on the new feeding combo last Saturday and come Monday night he was pooping on his own without the turdmometer! YEAH!!! So the first poop happened when I was feeding him his bedtime bottle. I have a major stuffy nose, but I could smell something. The poor little thing was just about asleep for the night, but I couldn't leave him in a stinky diaper. So I woke him up and changed his diaper. After a few minutes of rocking he was out. I immediately ran out to the living room and told Chris. It is crazy how we have been getting excited for him to poop. Well Nate woke up a little early for his middle of the night bottle, but Chris went to feed him and we didn't think anything of it. Well after a very long bottle Chris came back to bed and informed me that he had woken himself up by pooping! Twice in one night!!! Chris said when he opened Nate's bedroom door the smell about knocked him over! HAHA!!! Nate has been in a much better mood today and no stinky gas!!! Then while I was feeding him his lunch bottle he began to smile and not eat then....there was another diaper blowout. I think he is cleaning out his system. Hopefully he will continue on this daily pooping routine and we won't have to worry about his diet any more! That was a whole lot of info about poop!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Well, we are nurses and we love to talk about poop!I cant believe you will be coming back to work already! That went by soooo fast!