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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Funny Little Anniversary

So My first day back at work was conveniently mine and Chris' 4th anniversary. So that morning I gave Chris a quick kiss goodbye and left him a little gift on the table and then I was out the door to work. My day was nice. I guess they gave me good patients to keep me from being overwhelmed on my first day back. The day was fine and I only called the sitter one time! I thought I did great. I wasn't worried that the sitter couldn't handle him, I was just hoping he wasn't screaming and acting up. Well he wasn't and they had a great day. The cutest thing is that when Chris picked Nate up from the sitter's (Lisandra's house) her daughter Riley cried and didn't want Nate to leave. How sweet. I was told that Riley was also trying to get Nate to play with her and trying to teach him how to crawl. Too Cute! Well after two days of work I was exhausted! Sunday Chris and I decided to celebrate our Anniversary. We dropped Nate off at my parents and we had plans for lunch and a movie. Well we had lunch, but the movie we skipped. I think it is ridiculous that it costs so much to see a movie. Instead we came home put all the Christmas stuff back in the attic and cleaned the house. Yes the Christmas stuff still needed to be put up. Then we ran a quick errand and went and got Nate. What an anniversary! HA HA!!


Amy Teck said...

Happy Anniversary! I'm glad your day back at work went well!

Leslie Gilbreath said...

I'm glad you survived- I know it is hard. Now your life balancing act begins...take a deep breath and try to keep up!