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Friday, January 2, 2009

A Merry Little Christmas

The party pig lost his pants!
Christmas is so much fun!
Takin' a break from all the festivities!
So it has been awhile since I have posted, but the holidays are a very busy time...especially with a child! We had a wonderful Christmas. Christmas Eve we all went down to Chris' grandmothers house for a whole family gathering. We had a great time. Nate was that biggest ham though. With tons of people to hold and snuggle him, he was in heaven! He acted great and was in an awesome mood! We had a whole family gift exchange and got great things. I noticed that there was still alot of gifts under the tree after the gift exchange. Chris helped pass out the individual gifts and the next thing I know there is a pile of gifts for Nate. He got some fun new toys from his great grandma and great aunts! Thanks to all of you for the great gifts. We drove home and put Nate to bed for Santa to come! He didn't have the best night though. He woke up twice screaming with no warning. The poor kid had horrible gas. After a little more sleep we were all up early and off to my parents house and then to chris' parents house. The car was packed with presents for eveyone. We had a great breakfast at my parents and then opened presents. Holy cow...more toys and goodies for Nate. Chris and I also got great gift cards and goodies! After some family time it was off to Chris' parents. We did presents there and dinner with everyone! What a blast! I think at both houses the kids had the biggest piles of presents! Nate is so spoiled already and doesn't even know it! We had to arrange everything in the car to fit and get it all home. I couldn't see out the back window! The toys are great they are for older ages so Nate can grow into them. Nate will think he is having a birthday all the time when I pull new toys out of the closet! Thanks to everyone for all the awesome presents they are all great. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

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