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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Major Meltdown!!!

So I know I have experienced Nate's meltdowns before. Especially when he is majorly tired and needs to sleep. Generally that is the only reason he melts down. Well last night I had my first meltdown with him. Around 9:25 he began to be fussy. This is not unusual. SO I cuddled him and the fussing turned into all out crying. Still not that bad. Well the crying turned to screaming at around 9:35. So I proceeded to take him to his room and begin the bed time process a little early for his schedule. Through the screaming I changed his clothes, diaper and prepared a bottle. At this point he had settled a little. When I sat down to feed and rock him the screaming elevated to all out whaling. He would stop every couple of seconds to take a few sips of the bottle, but it wasn't helping. I was beginning to get frustrated at this time as well. It was now around 10pm So nothing I was doing was helping. I needed a moment to regroup. So I put him in his crib and walked out of his room. He continued to scream. Chris looked at me when I walked out of the room and said he just needs to sleep. Why won't he give up? I had no answers for this. At 10:15 I went back in his room I couldn't take it I had to do something. Chris went too. We picked him up and I striped all his clothes off. He had worked himself into a major sweat. When he was completely naked on laying on his changing pad he just stopped. So, I picked him up and finiashed the bed time process. At this point I had to cry too. That was so overwhelming. Chris told me to stop that everything was okay. Well he finally went to bed (SLEEP) at 11. Two hoursafter the whole ordeal began. I feel bad for moms with high maintance kids. I was beat after that. The kicker through the whole thing was that he would randomly stop crying and smile at me. Then the screaming would continue. Little brat!


Michelle said...

They ALL have brat in them! Many of the things they do has no rhyme or reason. My kid is almost 8 and I still dont get it.

Leslie Gilbreath said...

Ahhhh, the drama- I understand....completely! Just know all fits do come to an end....eventually- but beware another one is just around the corner :)