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Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year and 2 Month check up

Go dogs!
This is what the party turns into when kids are involved!
Look out ladies here I come!
We had a great New year. Very low key and laid back. We didn't want to do too much for the new year, especially having Nate we are limited on what we can doplus I haven't been feeling too good. So we had a few friends over. They have kids as well so we set up multiple pack and plays and when all the kids went down we played Partini and watched the ball and peach drop. Not too long after the new year we crashed and went to bed. I determined the next day that I am too old to stay up late and wake up early with the baby!!! The next day was the Bulldogs bowl game and we stayed in lazy day clothes and watched the game. Chris fell asleep on the couch at 730 pm and we all went to bed at nine! Today Nate had his 2 month check up. A little late due to the holidays, but that is okay! I had a few concerns to discuss with the doctor...CONSTIPATION!!! The poor baby goes 3-4 days with out pooping and then has horrible, painful, stinky gas and then needs the thermometer to help him pass a couple of pebbles. I have never really had to take Nate's temp so the thermometer has only been used to help him poop, so it has been renamed the turdmometer! The doctor suggested a few remedies and changing his formula. So hope for the best! He looks great otherwise. He weighs 11 lbs and 10 ounces, 50 percentile. His head is in the 50th percentile and his length 24 1/2 inches...the 90th percentile. Where he got the height from beats me. The poor thing was so tired at the doctor that he had three meltdowns before his shots!!! One nurse came in and tried to comfort him while I was talking to the doctor. It helped a little. he got his shots and we were off to the house. He got home and had lunch and passed out. Now for me to go take a nap and try to get rid of this cold. Have a happy new year!


Unknown said...

Awww, that's so sad. I hope he doesn't have the POOP issues Zach has had....WOW. No words for that. Hopefully changing the formula does the trick! Otherwise, I see a lot of prune and pineapple juice in his future....:-)

Amy Teck said...
