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Friday, February 6, 2009

The sick waiting room

So we had our first visit to the sick side of the waiting room at the doctor's office. Chris picked up Nate from Lisandra's on Thursday and noticed that he sounded a little hoarse when he cried. Lisandra said that she didn't notice any change in his voice during the day. When I got home from work Chris told me about his voice, but he was sleeping. When I put him to bed he was fussing and I noticed what Chris was talking about. So I set up the humidifier and put him to bed. Friday morning I got up with Nate and he still had the hoarse cry and now his voice when he talked sounded the same. Like when you go to a concert or football game and scream the whole time and the next day you have lost part of your voice. That is what he sounds like. Well I didn't immediately call the doctor...I didn't want to be that spastic mom taking her kid in for nothing. Well after breaking out the baby books and looking at webmd and calling a friend, I felt like I should give the doctor a call. When I called they gave me an appointment and we went right in. Oh yeah he was being really fussy and only wanting to be held. That is not how Nate normally is. At the doctor we had to sit on the sick side. I didn't touch anything, so I wouldn't bring anything else home. Well Nate weighs 13 pounds now and is said to be the happiest "sick" kid the doctor and nurse had ever seen. He sat throught the entire exam and simled and talked in his hoarse voice. Well the doctor wanted to be on the safe side because it is Friday and she thought that this hoarse voice is a touch of croup and the beginnings of a cold. So she gave him a dose of steroids ...wich he loved and fake coughed for the nurse during...he laughs at this. I was also given instructions that he could still have a croup coughing fit during the night and she warned me of what to do. If this happens and we can't get it under control or if he wheezes while breathing, guess where we get to go...the ER. No thanks!!! So hopefully the night will go well. Sick kids are so sad.

1 comment:

Amy Teck said...

Awww...I hope he feels better soon! It is no fun to have a sick baby.