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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Toy: 1 Nate: 0

Yep thats right folks the toy won this battle. Again, just like the last one, this is not my fault. When it comes to a newly mobile child that is very interested in everything, injuries are bound to happen. Nate is getting better and better at his army crawl. He is quick. He shows no interest in crawling on hands and knees. What he wants is to stand and walk. We are just working on the whole balance issue. So when he is playing on the floor he tends to end up sitting on his knees trying to balance on the toy so he can stand. Well, that is what happened today. The toy just couldn't take it and fell over with Nate face planting into it. I didn't realize that he had made a mark on his face until later. Check out his right eye and he has a small mark and bump on his forehead. What a tough little bean!

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