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Thursday, July 23, 2009

9 months...I can't believe it!

Today Nate and I ventured to the doctor. 9 month check up time. First off I had a new form I had to fill out about his development. He passed and is right where he needs to be. While I was trying to fill out this paper in the waiting area I had to keep him from busting because he was climbing all over the toys and talking to everyone in the waiting area. All the people waiting were women so he was really hamming it up! I have truly convinced myself that Nate had actually gotten a little chunky. You should see his thunder thigh rolls! They are so cute I bite them and he laughs! Anyway...I was mistaken he is still REALLY skinny. 18 pounds 2 ounces. That folks puts him in the 10th percentile. YUP, he is still a string bean. I swear he really eats. I thought the fact that he eats the inside of his own taco at mexican had really helped him pork out. AT this rate I don't think he will ever be truly chunky. The nurse made me laugh though, after she weighed him I said that's it..and her resonpse was the apple doesn't fall from the tree and that I was tiny and that is why he is tiny. How sweet of her. That really makes all the sweating I do at the gym mean so much more! He is still tall 29 1/4 inches, The 75th percentile. So his height continues to be on the high end of the chart and I am afraid next time his weight will fall of the bottom of the chart! The doctor doesn't seem to be concerned and said I am feeding him the proper amount of food and formula...he is just skinny. He got a clean bill of health. It was a pretty uneventful check up. The only thing is that Nate is so wiggly I held him while she checked him out. So in the process of his exam I had to lay him in my lap and the doctor leaned over him check him out. Well, this put his feet right against her and he proceeded to pick up his feet and get them caught in the doctor scoop neck shirt and pulling it down. I felt really bad, she just laughed it off. How embarrassing, my child practically pulled her shirt down to her belly button! The only concern I had this time was that he gags all the time and spits up like a newborn. She relates this to a little bit of reflux. Since he is on his belly alot and falls over from sitting, this all contributes to more pressure on the belly and in turn means spit up. It should stop when his is walking more. Speaking of being mobile...Nate has mastered the army crawl. He uses his arms and his right big toe to scoot forward. His poor toe...he has rug burn. I got him cute little leather booties/shoes to help with the rug burn.

1 comment:

Leslie Gilbreath said...

Sweet little tater tot...maybe that's what he needs some tater tots- they seem to put weight on me :) So glad he's mobile and can escape the "love" of Natalie.