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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sad day for mommy!

Nate has had a runny nose for the past week or so. Not a big deal. Until, I get home from work and am informed that he was good today at miss Lisandra's house as long as he was being held and that he only napped for a total of 45 minutes all day. So of course when Chris got him home he crashed. Chris woke him for dinner and I got home in time for a little mommy TLC. Well, he was on FIRE when I picked him up. Yup, we dealt with on and off fevers all night and the crying that goes along with it. So off to the doctor we went and sure enough he has double ear infections and one of the ear drums ruptured. I feel so bad that it gets to the point of rupturing before he shows any signs of being sick. What a trooper he was when the doctor checked his ears...just a little wiggling and fussing. I got the prescriptions filled and off to the house. I got him a treat while we waited for the meds, spaghetti-o's for lunch. When we got home he was great and took the antibiotic fine. Then came the ear drops...I have never heard my child cry out in so much pain as he did when I put in the ear drops. I still have tears in my eyes about it. He is resting now and I just want to hold him all day. If I could only take the pain away. Sad day for mommy!

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