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Sunday, March 15, 2009

My new trick....

So Nate's newest is that he can finally roll over. Or so I am told. He has done it a few times at the babysitter's house, but has yet to do it at home. So I write this blog while my child is laying on the floor playing with his feet and not rolling over. He is just trying to show off for everyone else. He has discovered his feet and LOVES them. He lifts up his legs and sees them and is almost surprised every time at how fun these new things are. Now he is fussing because we aren't paying him as much attention as he would like. But even mad, he isn't rolling over. Oh well, he will do it sooner or later! As for other things in his life...he is loving eating baby food. He scarfs down everything we give him. Rice cereal, peas, green beans, squash, prunes, bananas, sweet potatoes, apple sauce, peaches...these are all thing he likes. The other night he ate one and a quarter containers of baby food and 3 heaping tablespoons of rice cereal. Then I had to give him a small bottle. What a piglet. I just had to quit giving him stuff. He is getting so big we are upping the size of diapers. As you can tell by the pictures the others were getting a little small.

1 comment:

Leslie Gilbreath said...

You gotta love a little booty crack!