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Monday, March 2, 2009

My First SNOW DAY!!!

So I know Nate isn't big enough to really play in the snow, but it was still the first snow since he was born. So we got some cute pics. NO we didn't build the snowman. That was done by Clint, Leslie and Melanie. They let us borrow it to take pictures with. Nate wasn't so sure about it at first...he had to check it out. It was still pretty wet and snowing hard...that is why we used the umbrella. After 4-5 inches of snow at our house it is still around today and the sun is out. Maybe we will go play more today. As far as our other babies (the dogs) go, they were not so much for the snow. When Chris went to let them out to potty and they ran for the back door. Chris opened the door and Tank ran the other way...Chris had to catch him in the kitchen to get him to go out. I must say though they are smart dogs....they didn't want to go out in the slushy, snowy, icy back yard so they all peed on the patio just underneath the eves of the roof. Those snobby dogs couldn't get there paws too cold from the snow. Unfortunately they must go into the snow to poop. For now here are the pictures we got yesterday. And thanks to Auntie Becca for the crazy little fleece lined crocs she got for Nate when he was born. They finally came in handy and fit!!!

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