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Monday, November 24, 2008

One month checkup

So last Friday I took the bean to the doctor for his one month checkup. I can't believe he has been here for a month. Crazy to think that I carried him for ten months and it seemed to take forever, but once he is here time flys by! So I had to have a little sentimental moment there. Anyways, I took him to the doctor and he got a clean bill of health. When he was born he had a slight heart murmur... not anymore!!! The doctor also thinks that he is going to be long and lean. The poor thing only weighs 9lbs 3 ounces and is 22 inches long. That would be why I still have to put him in newborn clothes. He is only in the 25th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for length. He did great for the doctor though. He was wide awake and smiling the whole time. Then came his shot. He was all happy and the nurse said "I don't think his happiness is going to last for long." Well she gave him the shot and it seemed that there was a 5 second delay for him to react. He didn't cry when she put the shot in, but when the medicine went in... the screaming started. I have never heard he yell that loud or turn that red before. I was able to settle him down and he got a Peanuts bandaid. His tiny little leg with this giant sad. I can't wait for the next appointment for him and he gets multiple shots!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Funny you said that. I took Harley for his 7 year check up and they said he had a heart murmur too. So, off we went to the pediatric cardiologist since I am a little anal about these things. Of course he was fine since they are very common. Glad your bean is well!