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Monday, November 10, 2008

Halloween...a little late

So I know Nate was only a few days old when Halloween rolled around, but I had an outfit for him anyways. Sandra, my mother-in-law and Nate's Nana, and I were out one day and found the costume on sale and could not pass it up. The poor child I am already torturing him. Well our Halloween weekend was all planned out for Nate to go see his cousin Cole on Friday and go to his other cousin Gavin's first birthday on Saturday. Well all that went out the window. Thanks to a kick butt stomach virus that hit me on Friday morning. Thanks to Chris, Nate was well taken care of. Even though he didn't think he could do it. I was the only one that got sick, thank god. We are all well and no longer quarantined to the house. I hope everyone had a great Halloween.


Leslie Gilbreath said...

Too cute...who cares if it is late. He'll never know when he had his first costume on all he'll know is there are pics as proof he had a costume!

Michelle said...

Remember talking about doing silly things to our kids? We cant help ourselves. He is a cutie pie!