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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fun in the sun!

hey, what's this thing?
hanging out in the lake
reading books with Cole
Just before a sneeze..HEHE!
Hanging out with TJ
This past weekend we had a lazy weekend spending time with family and friends. Saturday we had Becca and TJ over for a cookout. Nate really like him some TJ time and just chilled and watched some Braves with him. Sunday we headed up to the lake to see Nana and Papa. We were really excited to take Nate down to the water and let him get in. When we called Sandra we told her we would be leaving the house around 11am. Well, we left a little late. At 1130am I get a call from her on my cell asking where we were and how long it was going to be before we got there. She sounded slightly annoied and I thought something was wrong. She then proceded to tell me that she made the mistake of telling Cole that baby Nate was coming and he had asked every few minutes from when she told him until we got there where baby Nate was. I just laughed. When we got there Cole was so excited he ran up to the car to see Nate. I can't wait until Nate can really play with Cole. They will have so much fun together! Another first...Nate had learned to scream just for the heck of it!

1 comment:

Leslie Gilbreath said...

Sounds like fun, the sneeze pic is too much!