Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, December 1, 2008


Just chillin' watching the dawgs!
So today I went Christmas shopping...and finished! Leslie and planed the day around the kids and when their melt downs tend to occur. The plan...start early! We headed out around 9 am and did some serious shopping at Target. Then it was off to an early lunch. We then headed to Kohls. This is where I learned that a stroller can double as a shopping cart. My poor child had items tucked in the seat around him. But he behaved and only let out a little whimper while we were waiting to checkout. Leslie is convinced that he doesn't cry. I beg to differ. He is just a great shopping buddy! Well, at our next stop Leslie's girls started with their melt downs, so it was off to the house for her. Nate was asleep and had a clean diaper and full belly. So I continued on. Three quick stops later and I was finished. When I got home Chris asked why I needed to take his car for the day. Then I began to unload and he realized the amount of shopping that was done! I looked like Santa when I walked in. Now I just have to wrap it all. That is my favorite part! So you are probably wondering why we have the dog dressed up. Well the costume was champ's when he was a pup. he lets me put it on him, but he is afraid of the camera. I know what a crazy dog to be scared of the camera, but he will chase the lawn mower. So I put the outfit on tank and he was to cute. Tanki-calus is coming to town!


Michelle said...

Tank is so darn cute that I want to pinch and kiss his white jowels (spell?). Love the bulldog outfit. You are starting him out right!

Leslie Gilbreath said...

For all out there in blog land...if your baby cries a total of 10 minutes in a day it means...he doesn't cry! I swear he doesn't!